Reflections: A Visual Experience
Emma's story reminded me of an orange tree
Whose life started after a seed met the soil
A young girl appreciated what he had to offer
For this tree was unique and extremely kind
As this tree grew, they shared many moments
So her best memories were entwined in him
After only four years the tree got extremely sick
He became consumed by a disease and died
The girl wanted a way to remember the tree
So she grew her own and named it Bernard
Greta shared her reflections on an injury
A trauma that was like a long city detour
Her fall shattered two bones in her left leg
And Greta, the self-reliant girl, became lost
Nonetheless, she reached out for support
And found that there are many kind souls
I'm not sure when Greta's journey will end
But she did teach me how to be humble
I asked my grandma this question and she taught me about progress
One thing I learned was that it can be a cloud cloaked in sunlight
A beautiful sign of hope for some, while others see its impending shadow
But after nearly nine decades in rural Iowa, my grandma has seen it all
The light of new technology
And the menacing shadows of corporations that threaten her small town
She told me that her dad liked to listen to the radio every day for the news
This experience was improved by her family getting their first television
A rare device at the time, so many people came to watch it with them
She told me about growing up with large, Sears Roebuck catalogues
Yet large, corporate shopping centers have monopolized this tradition
The school was once the pride of the town, a beacon of hope and potential
But a larger school was later built, so this once lively place was deserted
Our conversation eventually came to an end but it left me with a few thoughts
Embrace the Sun’s warmth and don’t let corporate, silver linings deceive you
Sabrina told me about hugging a friend
It was an experience that inspired a walk
For I've realized I've forgotten one thing
The importance of embracing nature
As nature is always an invisible friend
Whether it's a warm breeze on our skin
Or the sight of gorgeous, feathered beings
Nature is like a good friend on a bad day